Prairie Hearth Design is the hosting site for our Historical Division.
About Our Historical Division
Prairie Hearth Designs also maintains a Historical Division. The Web sites under this division are the 18th Century History and Kansas Patriot Web sites. The mission of this division is to assist students and scholar's to find the best resources on the Internet about history. We include information about the American Revolution, the French Revolution, the 18th Century and Kansas history. In the future this division hopes to include information about the rest of the world.
If you are a student, parent or a teacher looking for historical information, please visit our Historical Division websites to the right.

18th Century History is the starting place to find information about the 18th century. Each link is hand picked by your editor. This site is about the long 18th century and will cover the period from approximately 1660 through 1840. It will have articles discussing the various aspects of the era. Provide the documents of the period and point out interesting and useful resources found on the Internet.
Kansas State History
The mission of this division is to assist students and scholar's to find the best resources on the Internet about history. This particular site covers the history of the State of Kansas. We include information and resources about the State's history and it's residents that have made this State a vital part of the United States and it's history.